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The siblings don’t support the care choices you’re choosing? Or they don’t support you in providing help in caring? If it’s the first and you have POA and aren’t doing anything abusive then no worries, you may care for her in the way you choose. If it’s that they won’t help or be supportive, you have to realize that you can’t force others to do anything, they are adults and make their own decisions. Fill in more info here and will try to be more helpful
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Can you post a question and some details about what's going on?
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Geaton777 May 2020
Sorry, I see you DID post a question, just do need more info...
Don't support money wise?
Don't support your decisions?
Don't support by helping out.

With me, I had POA. I was the oldest and a daughter who still lived in the same town. Always wondered what would have happened to Mom if I wasn't there. One brother lives in another state. The other was going thru a divorce. Neither stayed in touch with Mom. She may see them 2x a year.
Thats why when things got too much for me, I placed Mom in a home. She really didn't need any money, but it was never offered. I refuse to be angry with them. What goes around comes around. Being the oldest if either one needs care, it won't be me doing it.
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