
Time is of the very essence...can someone PLEASE make suggestions for a quality hospice that serves Sanger, Tx. I am well aware my uncle qualified for hospice long, long, long before this point, but most sadly was not my call. He is critical & my final gesture towards my uncle, while he remains alive, is to help my aunt get him home, on quality hospice, for the most peaceful & effective [pain relief & comfort] passing possible @ this point.

Thank you in advance.

Fi in Dallas

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I'm sorry to read of this situation, which must be so hard on you and the family.

Some thoughts, including ones to just ignore and not waste your time;

1.  Hospital discharge planners have lists of various care centers and hospice organizations, but I've found over a decade + that these lists often include places with bad reputations.  

2.   Area Agency on Aging.  In my area, it takes them a whole week just to get a list out.

Others, including the best:

3.  Alzheimer's Association is very, very helpful; in my area they e-mail a list w/I 30 minutes.   And the lists are much better and well organized than the AAA's lists.

4.   Catholic hospitals, which often have extended care options in established communities.    Unfortunately, the weekend issue also applies, and I doubt that the staff needed for referrals are on duty.

However, you can search online for "Catholic hospitals, Sanger, Texas."  (I'm not Catholic, nor am I religious, but the experience I had with them when my father died was so phenomenal that I'd recommend them.    I used Lourdes.  

I did find some hits for you:

I also found Lourdes' home site:   This may be a better place to start.

5.  Do you have a checklist of what you're seeking in a hospice, beginning with home care, or care in their facility?    Do you have access to his personal info, such as SS, insurance data, family contacts?    If not, this might be something to do over the weekend to keep your mind off the urgency of your uncle's situation.

6.   Lastly, some hospitals have a small hospice wing or area.   This is what we used when my sister was dying.   There was no traumatic moving or transfer involved other than from one room to the next.   There was a small waiting room for family.   And the doctors and nurses were just across the hall.  

7.   One last thought - the doctor who D'X'ed your uncle would undoubtedly have an emergency call service.   Use that to contact her or him and ask what hospice he or she would recommend.   

I hope you find some solution as quickly as possible, and also wish for a peaceful passing for your uncle, as well as peace for your family.

This might be the best option at this point.
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It will be difficult to find someone here that can specifically recommend a hospice in Sanger TX. We are all over the world.

Is uncle in a nursing home? Realize that hospice will not be 24/7 care at home. There will be a few visits a week. Maybe a hospice house? Are there suggestions from the people he is being cared for now?

Suggestion: find a non-profit, ask others in the area for recommendations. A nursing home? Assisted living?
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Sorry, I missed your statement that you want home hospice.     Is someone, or are you staying with your aunt to help during this critical time, i.e., to handle calling and interviewing a hospice company?  

Since you do want home care, be sure to ask how many hours, staff, etc. will come.  As I recall, it wasn't 24-7 care unless it was in a facility setting.
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I surely hope that you will find someone in your area who is familiar with hospice there. I surely do wish you luck on this journey. When I was in nursing before retirement I saw Hospice in its beginning. It was so good. So many now are a business only, cutting all the corners they can in the name of profit. If you are able, seek out non-profit. There are problems there, as well, as they find all sort of ways to get this tax status. Check the Churches in your area, especially those with strong community. Reach out to the pastors; check community centers and see if someone will speak to you off the cuff. Wishing you so much luck.
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With Infinite Gratitude, I thank each & every one of you for taking the precious time to answer, offer suggestions & your support! We have located a quality hospice based in Denton [next to Sanger] through a private home health agency in Denton [Home Instead]. I initially contacted a former client of mine from UT Southwestern, where I worked as an in-house graphics designer...she [now] owns a Home Instead franchise in Dallas & they referred me to Denton, where I spoke w/an immensely well connected/informed agent from Home Instead/Denton.
Again, thank you ALL for your kindness!!!
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GardenArtist Aug 2019
I'm so glad things worked out well for you, and hope you can breath a few sighs of relief now.   Home Instead is a major franchise throughout the US; I hired them for my father, as did others here and a few other people I know from another forum.

I hope life goes as well as possible for you and your family from here forward.  

Best wishes.
Bumping up. I hope someone might have a suggestion for you. Is it possible that your uncle's primary care doctor or the nurse in his or her office might have a recommendation for hospice?
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Fiffi, did you find a hospice company?
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