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false teeth must be uncomfortable. As the body ages the jaw bones shrink (due to lack of natal teeth)...the dentures become ill fitting...rub & often cause soreness, bruising & even ulcers.
you could organize for a dentist to check the fit. probably needs a simple realignment to improve the fit. Needs to be checked every 6 months
Additionally the dentist can give you a brightly colored plastic box for your Mother to put the false teeth in if they are bothering her. More hygienic, and easy to locate when she does take them out
If you want to get a small sense of how uncomfortable it is to wear those big cumbersome blocks in the mouth called false teeth get a set of plastic retainers...then wear them all day ...I promise by afternoon (probably before) you will be removing them in a hurry quick & fast
There are now "flexible dentures" They are much more comfortable to wear & to speak & chew in.. You could google & read about the pros & cons...Then call a couple of dentists & see if they offer them...its only 1 or 200 more than the current blocks called dentures
in answer summary: no a sign won't do a thing..except probably annoy mum :) She's taking them out for good reason
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PollyN Oct 2021
I actually have worn a retainer for years after having to get braces for the second time. So if they are like that, I can imagine. Thank you so much for your reply. I probably should make a dental appointment.
PollyN: Imho, the more important question is 'why is she removing her dentures?' Are they not fitting right?
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No but if you put a special cup in each room for her teeth, she's learn to put them in a cup
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Oh my, sounds just like my mom!
She used to wrap dentures in napkins/Kleenex and lose them so many many times! Mom would swear she didn't take it out, blamed the demons. Notes probably wouldn't work if she's forgetful.
Moms caregiver would hold them for her in a container after meals, just so they wouldn't have to hunt all over the house for them.
Blessings to you for all you do!
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Hi, Naia,

It does look like you have got quite a few really good answers here.
I just wanted to say [and with full respect] that is sounds so funny and certainly brought a smile to my face.
Once your mom passes; it might be one of the things that you happily share with others about her.
My dad would often just get naked and ask when supper was - lots more to all that ... etc... Now; and since my dad passed many years ago; it is one of the things that always make me smile.
Many of us, here, can relate!
Hopefully, as your mom keeps leaving them all over the place .... you won't have to keep finding them..... hide-and-seek all day long. :)))

-All the best and God Bless You
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Like many of the people here, I've been in your shoes, (about finding your mom's teeth).I wrote a book about taking care of my mom when she had Alzheimer's called, "My Mother Has Alzheimer's and My Dog Has Tapeworms: A Caregiver's Tale." I have a chapter entitled, "Bridge Over a Troubled Daughter," (with a nod to Simon and Garfunkel's "A Bridge Over Troubled Waters"). My mom once accused someone of stealing her bridge. Do you know where it was? In her mouth! (When I told her this, she blushed, a rare occurrence.) She once hid her bridge in her purse, then locked her purse in her dresser drawer (which Hubby drilled a lock on, at her insistence,) and then she hid the key. We had to go on a scavenger hunt to find it. I don't know if reasoning with your mom will help; my mom lost her sense of reason when Alzheimer's hit, but thankfully, neither one of us lost our sense of humor.
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PollyN Oct 2021
Thank you!
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